Cláudio Fernandes de Almeida

(PhD Student)


Status at Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering:

·         Researcher of the Environmental and Ecoprocess Engineering Research Group


·         MSc. in Biotechnology (Biochemical Engineering), Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon , Portugal , 2001

·         Graduation in Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, 1995


·        (02/2007 - ) PhD student in Environmental Engineering, Environmental and Ecoprocess Research Group, IST, UTL, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor Helena Pinheiro and Professor Luís Fonseca

·         (07/2007 - 01/2007) Research fellow, ENVERG, IST, UTL, Portugal

·         (08/2005 - 06/2006) Manager of MONAGRE - Serviços de Engenharia Ambiental, Lda

·         (01/2000 - 10/2001) MSc student in Biotechnology/Biochemical Engineering, BERG - BioEngineering Research Group, IST, UTL, Lisboa, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor Luís Fonseca

·         (10/1997 - 12/1999) Technical-commercial representative, SARSTEDT, Portugal

·         (03/1995 - 10/1997) Researcher at the Enzymology Group, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor Ana Ponces Freire in collaboration with Laboratório de Tecnologia de Células Animais, IBET/ITQB, Oeiras, Portugal (supervisors: Lídia Gonçalves and Manuel Carrondo) and INETI, Lisboa, Portugal (supervisor: Francisco Gírio)

·         (10/1993 - 12/1994) Trainee at Centro de Estudos de Bioquímica e Fisiologia, Instituto de Investigação Científica Bento da Rocha Cabral, Portugal, under the supervision of Professor Ruy Pinto

Research Activities:

·         Azo dye and aromatic amines biodegradation

·         SBR monitoring and supervision

·         Chemometrics and Data Mining

·         FIA monitoring of dyes and aromatic amines in water media


·         PhD scolarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/30445/2006)

·         Research scolarship from IST (project PDCT/AMB/59392/2004)

·         MSc scolarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PRAXIS XXI/BM/19093/99)


 Almeida, C.F. (2001) "Development of a FIA system for on-line monitoring cutinase activity at fermentation broth, filtrations and expanded bed adsorption processes". MSc. Thesis in Biotechnology –Biochemistry Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa

 Almeida, C.F. (1994) "Theoretical studies of the oscillating calcium mechanisms in pancreatic β-cells responsible for insulin secretion". Graduation Thesis in Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.  

Almeida, C.F., Calado, C.R.C., Bernardino, S.A., Cabral, J.M.S., Fonseca, L.P. (2006) "A FIA system for on-line monitoring cutinase activity at outlet of  an expanded bed adsorption (EBA) column almost in real time" J. Chem.  Technol. & Biotechnol. 81: 1678 - 1684

Almeida, C.F.; Cabral, J.M.S.; Fonseca, L.P. (2004) "Flow Injection Analysis System for on-line cutinase activity assay". Anal. Chim. Acta 502, 115-124.

Calado, C.R.C.; Almeida, C.; Cabral, J.M.S.; Fonseca, L.P. (2003) "Development of a fed-batch cultivation strategy for the enhanced production and secretion of cutinase by a reconbinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae SU50 strain". J. Biosci.Bioeng.96, 141-148. 


Fonseca, L. P.; Almeida, C.F.; Calado, C. R.C.; Cabral, J. M. S. "Development  and implementation of a FIA system for on-line monitoring of target enzyme activity almost in real time during production and purification steps"  13th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis (oral communication). ICFIA 2005, April  24-29 (2005), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.  


Almeida, C.F.; Lourenço, N.D.; Pinheiro, H.M. (2008) "Azo dye biodegradation in anaerobic/aerobic SBR with different carbon sources". in: The Water Research Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14 April.

Almeida, C.F.; Lourenço, N.D.; Pinheiro, H.M. (2008) "Towards the spectrophotometric monitoring of aromatic amines in textile effluent treatment". 11th International Conference on Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry - CAC 2008, Montpellier, France, 30 June - 4 July.

Almeida, C.F.; Calado, C. R.C.; Cabral, J. M. S.; Fonseca, L. P. "Optimization of an expanded bed adsorption process by on-line monitoring of a target enzyme activity in real-time" (poster). 229th ACS Meeting, March 13-17 (2005), San Diego , CA- USA .

Almeida, C.; Martins, A.M.; and Ponces Freire, A.; Alves, L.; Gírio, F. and Amaral-Collaço, M.T. (1998) "Enzymatic studies in permeabilized cells of Methylobacterium sp RXM” (Poster). XI Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Tomar.

Almeida, C.; Martins, A.M.; Cordeiro, C. and Ponces Freire, A.; Gonçalves, L.M.D. and Carrondo, M.J.T. (1997) "Oxidative stress induced by tiophenes in fish cell lines: effects on methylglyoxal metabolism" (Poster). Stress of Life International Congress. Budapeste.

Martins, A.M.; Cordeiro, C.; Almeida, C.; Martins, M.A. and Ponces Freire, A. (1997) "In situ methylglyoxal metabolism by the glyoxalase system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" (Poster). European Research Conference on Control of Metabolic Flux: Approaches for understanding the control of flux in yeasts and fungi. Giens (Toulon).

Cordeiro, C.; Martins, A.M.; Almeida, C.; Martins, M.A. and Ponces Freire, A. (1997) "Flux control of methylglyoxal formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae". (Poster). European Research Conference on Control of Metabolic Flux: Approaches for understanding the control of flux in yeasts and fungi. Giens (Toulon).

Martins, A.M.; Cordeiro, C.; Almeida, C. and Ponces Freire, A. (1996) "In situ formation of methylglyoxal during the glycolytic metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae" (Poster). FEBS’96 - 24th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Barcelona.

Martins, A.M.; Almeida, C. and Ponces Freire, A.; Gonçalves, L.M.D. and Carrondo, M.J.T. (1996) "Methylglyoxal and the glyoxalase system as markers of oxidative stress in fish cell lines" (Poster). FEBS’96 - 24th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies . Barcelona.

Almeida, C.; Martins, A.M.; Martins, M.A. and Ponces Freire, A.;Alves, L.; Gírio, F. And Amaral-Collaço, M.T. (1996) "Permeabilization studies using Methylobacterium sp RXM". Apresentação de Poster. FEBS’96 - 24th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Barcelona.

Martins, M.A.; Almeida, C.; Martins, A.M. and Ponces Freire, A.; Alves, L.; Gírio, F. And Amaral-Collaço, M.T. (1996) "Methylobacterium sp RXM - kinetic studies of glyoxalase I". Apresentação de Poster. FEBS’96 - 24th Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Barcelona.

Martins, A.M.; Almeida, C. and Ponces Freire, A.;Gonçalves, L.M.D. and Carrondo, M.J.T. (1996) "Metilglioxal e sistema das glioxalases como marcadores de stress oxidativo em linhas celulares de peixe" (Poster). X Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Braga.

Almeida, C.; Martins, A.M.; Martins, M.A. and Ponces Freire, A.; Alves, L.; Gírio, F. and Amaral-Collaço, M.T. (1996) "Estudos in situ em Methylobacterium sp RXM" (Poster). X Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Braga.

Martins, M.A.; Almeida, C.; Martins, A.M. and Ponces Freire, A.; Alves, L.; Gírio, F. and Amaral-Collaço, M.T. (1996) "Methylobacterium sp RXM - estudo cinético da glioxalase I" (Poster). X Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica. Braga.



Telephone: +(351) 218 419124;

Fax: +(351) 218 419 062

E-mail: Claúdio Almeida


Last updated, quarta-feira, 21 Julho 2010